Wednesday, 6 June 2007

DUMBALL - good to go!!!!

Adam went to the hospital yesterday for a follow up blood test and Pauline rang me to say that his platelets had dropped a lot and that the prof wanted to increase his Dasatinib and start steroids as a precaution in case the leukaemia was coming back, he also requested that we go back today to get the results of the blood film test that looks for blast cells in the blood.

Not much sleep last night as you can imagine!

To cut a very long story short, the blood film was ok and the steroids have been stopped again (use of the steroids stops the healing to his heel) and we are good to go for the Dumball on Friday.

If anyone has spare money they don’t need then you can donate to the Dumball at either or if you use the latter then please mention Adams apples when pledging.

I will try to do some updates during the rally but hopefully we’ll be too drunk, too busy, too tired etc…..

Love to all


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