On the pretext of Sarah having arranged something for him, we woke Adam early yesterday (well, early in his world) and dragged him kicking and screaming into the car, he was perplexed as I was going on what he thought was to be a day out with Sarah but I pointed out that he could take some tips from an old man!
If you’ve ever been in a car with Adam you’ll know that bein above the speed limit is nothing new, in fact his licence is well decorated to prove the very fact!
Nonetheless he was impressed and excited by the notion and wondered who would be daft enough to lend him a car to go mad in.
Enter the guys from Palmer Sport… Mick Maggio, one of their main men, took Adam round their workshops, showed a few cars and then said the words that he is unlikely to ever hear again…
Adam, you are going to drive a 911 Porsche and then a 420 horsepower XKR Jaguar and we want you to go as mad as you can!
As you can see, if you are looking at the blog www.adamhornblog.blogspot.com he took Mick at his word!
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