Wednesday 21 November 2007

Mr Horn is back in the building

The boy came home this evening…

He spent two hours in the ENT hospital this morning as the constant nosebleed he has had all week needed some urgent attention so the guys there spent some time removing a blood clot the size of a golfball that was building in size at the back of his nose and into his throat, he’s bleeding and has a cold, you can imagine what it must have been like!

The guys then cauterized the inside of his nose to seal off the blood vessels, this seems to have worked so he is now able to go without the tampons he’s had stuffed up his nose for the past few days.

He is delighted to be back home and cant wait to have Bailey home too, (I’m in no hurry of course)

The docs have stopped all his leukaemia treatment at the moment to allow his body to start making its own platelets again for a few days, he is due to start the home administered Chemo on Tuesday next week providing he is clear of the cold by then.

Once he starts the chemo his platelets will drop off again and he has developed a reaction to the platelet transfusions which gives some cause for concern, so we simply watch and wait again to see how his disease reacts to the low dose chemo.

Love to all

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