In memory of Adam Horn who at 22 lost his battle with Leukaemia but showed us all a thing or two about how to live life to the full.. Now forever young....
Thursday, 25 December 2008
Christmas Day 2008

Wednesday, 1 October 2008
Adam would have liked this
What you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it. When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever; in its place is something that you have left behind...
let it be something good."
Wednesday, 17 September 2008
Coincidence - or the boys work?
Have you ever had a day or a period when, without planning, there seems to be a synchronicity that joins the events of the day into one fluid apparently spontaneous thread. (for instance I would not have been here in Windermere if Simon Davies from TCT hadn’t sent out his email about doing the event and, having forwarded it to numerous people to try and gain sponsorship, if Anisa hadn’t emailed back to point out the date of the event and suggest that it was something to do and if Jackie hadn’t decided to walk 90 miles and co-incidentally end up in Lake Windermere.)
I woke on his birthday at 5.50 am.
Its odd; we all seem to do a lot of ‘he would like that, or would have liked that’ I guess it’s a good way of keeping his memory alive, I still talk about him a lot and engage in conversation with him about things.
We got out of the water and, as we stood on the start line, sure enough the clouds parted, the sun shone and we were bathed in the warmth of the sun, I looked at the couple, they looked at me (oddly). I smiled, they smiled back, I looked across the way at Jackie, she looked at me, then upward and smiled the same knowing smile as me…. And, as we entered the water, I felt that the sun would shine until the end of my race and then it would rain (I decided not to voice this feeling as the others would really think I was crazy!)
It was hard to leave the lake as I didn’t want the feelings to end… but having used endless calories I felt justified in indulging in a huge dinner again, before planning the next full breakfast (it’s only polite you know !)
The strange thing was that I didn’t realise I was on a mission before I got there and it was only after the event that I was able to reflect that perhaps I was always destined to go there and be there on that day and at that time. Thoe of you with a spiritual bent may understand it better thean I.
And maybe, just maybe, I should be thanking our beautiful son for knowing well what his dad needs nd finding the energy to move a few pieces of our lives around …
12 September 2008 - Lake Windermere
Thursday, 11 September 2008
Adam - 21+2 13 September 2008

Those who have lost someone say that it is the anniversaries, particularly in the first year, that are the worst times. I guess it’s a good day to be busy.
In order to be busy, I am heading up to lake Windermere to swim a mile in the lake as part of the Great North Swim along with a couple of thousand other lunatics, it seems that the water temperature is around the 15-16 degrees… I checked yesterday and the aircondtioning in my car has a minimum temperature of 16 degrees!
My sis, Jackie has spent this week walking in the lake district to take part in a 90 mile trek to raise funds for TCT and there are others who are variously taking part in a number of other events such as swimming in the Thames and, in the case of some of his mates I’m sure, drinking a whole load of lager!
He said to me often, ‘dad, I don’t want people to be sad, but I do want them to know that I’ve been here and to remember me’ so I would say to everyone who still reads the updates, take a moment, close your eyes and remember the boy at some point during the day, he will be up there, kicking back and winding up a few angels I just know it!
And if anyone finds themselves in the premises of somewhere that sells alcoholic beverages, then the tradition we established on Dumball 2008 is great to uphold.. the first drink of the night is a toast to ‘the boy’
I know that Saturday night will involve a beer or two for me and I take this opportunity to raise my glass in advance and say ‘ thanks son… for brightening our lives and making us all smile so often’
Love to all.
Thursday, 4 September 2008
I'll have a medium please

So many people that we meet use those time honoured words ‘I can’t imagine how you feel’ and in truth I guess that unless you are or have been in this club, you truly can’t imagine how it feels.
The grieving process is a weird one and the thoughts that prompt outbursts of emotion are manyfold, varied and unexpected at the best of times. In particular I am most vulnerable to tears when people are kind or giving praise.
I saw a medium yesterday, one that I’ve seen before and she got as close to convincing me that she was properly in touch with Adam as anyone ever has, I guess the thing about believing is that there comes a point where you have to either trust it or not, being someone who needs proof and evidence for anything that I am unsure about it is hard to convince me but when I asked how his leg was and she replied, ‘not sure if this means anything to you but he says its back’ I was as near convinced as I think I can be.
She also mentioned him holding an electric guitar, she said a blue one, and those of you who are young enough to be on facebook may have noticed that I recently added a photo to his tribute page that shows him holding an electric guitar, not a blue one, a yellow one but hey the communications from the other side aren’t by Vodafone you know. (that’s probably why they are so clear and the signal holds)
SO… for anyone who does believe, then Adam is apparently having a ball, in a place where you get everything you want, helping other children with their journey across the worlds, only experiencing pure love and none of the negativity of human emotion and is whole in body again and helping many of us from afar, he is also bashing me around the head for feeling guilty about him dying and he thinks I need a holiday!
The medium said that he told her about the unique (some might say sick) sense of humour that he and I shared and he says that that connection is still there.. She then said he is taller on the other side… anyone who has witnessed him and I standing back to back in front of a mirror arguing about who was the tallest might just see his personality coming out there! I am now waiting to see him on the other side and find a huge mirror!!!
I undoubtedly gained some comfort from the reading and if she is to be believed then he is an old soul with a cheeky smile and a great sense of humour and a compassion for his fellow man…
Yep .. that sounds like my boy…
Love to all
Tuesday, 8 July 2008
6 months on

If I thought that I had plumbed the depths of human emotion whilst he was battling with his disease then boy was I wrong! It seems that every day can bring something, some apparently small reminder of what could have been, what should have been, what will never be… and the wishing and longing tears deep into ones very soul, then without any particular warning the tears can flow, my apologies to anyone who has been with me when this happens.
I’m not surprised anymore when I hear of people who have taken their own lives after a child has died for the almost constant pain and grief would be for most people a continual struggle and for those who may be of less stable stuff then not having to live with it would be a pretty good option.
But I think that you fall into one of two camps, either you’ll sink or you’ll swim… and I know that he would not want people to put their lives on hold or to sink, indeed he would rather that people prospered as a result of their learned knowledge from having known him. In his own words, ‘I don’t want people to be sad ..but I do want them to remember me!’
It is hard to make sense of the why’s and wherefores that surround the death of someone such as Adam, there are so many platitudes that people use and each one, whilst well meaning merely serves as a reminder of the enormity of the loss, At times I truly wish I had a faith as it might make more sense if I really genuinely believed their was a reason for all this.
And the question that remains is always the same one… Why? Why someone so genuinely and clearly ‘nice’? I have never met anyone who didn’t have good things to say about Adam and most people felt their lives were improved in some way by meeting him. So what logical reason is there that he would be taken when there is probably a list as long as your arm of people who are less deserving of their place in this world.
I was with someone about my age the other day who had never actually met him but said that she had watched his video on youtube again recently and having heard his words she had determined that she would make some changes to her life plans and actually do some of the things she had always planned to but never got round to…. And for a moment, for the most fleeting of moments I wondered if maybe, just maybe… that was the answer to the question…….
In his own words……
“it’s a cliché but life is short, You can kinda do anything if you set your mind to it………………..
All you can do is try your best…..and you might have a wicked time”
Love to all
Monday, 16 June 2008
The boy suggested....
You may know that Adam was open to the notion of what i refer to as 'flaky' things i.e. of a spiritual nature.
As he lay dying I spoke to him about making contact with him and I recently went to a medium who, amongst other things said that he was suggesting that i should carry on with my writing.
I used to keep a detailed diary of his treatment when he was first ill but i didn't when he relapsed, not sure why but i just didnt feel like it.
So, assuming ido this, my problem is... what to write about?
Answers on a postcard please or via the comments section, I did think that I might start a question and answer section and suggest that anyone ask any question on any subject and i'll answer it as honestly and as directly as I can.
Love to all
Thursday, 24 April 2008
These words may have been written with the boy in mind!
If I can guide some erring one to truth, inspire within his heart a sense of duty; if I can plant within my soul of rosy youth a sense of right, a love of truth and beauty; I shall not then have lived in vain while here.
If from my mind I banish doubt and fear, and keep my life attuned to love and kindness; if I can scatter light and hope and cheer, and help remove the curse of mental blindness; if I can make more joy, more hope, less pain, I shall not have lived and loved in vain.
If by life’s roadside I can plant a tree, beneath whose shade some wearied head may rest, thought I may never share its beauty, I shall yet be truly blest – though no one knows my name, nor drops a flower upon my grave, I shall not have lived in vain while here. - Anon
Wednesday, 27 February 2008
the 49th Day
There is a Buddhist ritual that takes place 49 days after a person has died, Claudia kindly undertook the ritual and sent the following Email by way of feedback.
Love to all
Subject: RE: 49 day blessing
I did the 49 day blessing for Adam all very buddhist smells & bells etc. & in the quiet reflective bit I felt quite real a connection with Adam, his source, soul, spark whatever you want to call it anyway he seemed to be curiously hanging about watching what I was doing listening to the bells & prayers of thanks for his life & for his future incarnations (if you believe in that sort of thing) I got a strong sense of him being really really happy joyful & free & so so grateful & full of love for you both & the rest of the family. That his life although short, truely was complete, a sense of he did what he had come to do. I then saw lots & lots of flashes of him laughing & of some very very funny moments in his life, I saw one a story he had told me about: at a fund-raising black tie dinner where he had met Fergie duchess of york, & on hearing her ask what she could do to help the teenage cancer trust he suggested quite loudly she could always get her tits out!
So by the end of the blessing ritual I was laughing & had a huge smile on my face! he certainly knew how to do that well!
lots of love to all
Claudia x
Friday, 8 February 2008
a month on... youtube video
It’s a month tomorrow since Adam joined the party in the sky and despite missing him more than I thought possible I hope he’s having a ball wherever he is.
For those of you who were there it will be, I hope, a pleasing reminder of his words and for anyone who wasn’t there then it will give some insight into how he felt about a few things and also a brief insight into the antics of the Dumball rally.
Love to all
Post Funeral news
I'm going to stop apologising for not saying thank you to everyone who sent messages or donations but please know that we do really value all that has been sent and the very real help that people have given.
The few auto download links that i sent out to the video file shown on the day seem to have worked and not worked in equal measure so I shall try to put the files up on a webpage for download in the near future.
The total donations for TCT are very nearly £4000 now, thats absolutely brilliant, thanks again to all
love to all
Friday, 18 January 2008
Funeral or 'After Party' arrangements
Will be held at St Michaels Church, Milton Road Wallington Surrey at 10.00 on Thursday 24th January. If you wish to attend at Church, please be there by 09.45 there is a small car park but by choice please park in the side roads to allow the funeral cars space in the car park
All are welcome but please give priority for seating to family and close friends, the committal will be afterwards at
Those wishing to celebrate him will be welcome at THE RECTORY in Brighton Road Purley all day where the family and close friends will join you after a private reception at the family home.
There is no dress code but as Adam would have said, ‘Dress to impress’
Whilst we wouldn’t prevent anyone buying flowers, we’d prefer donations to the Teenage Cancer Trust, cheques Payable to ‘Teenage Cancer Trust’.
We have no idea how many people will attend so apologies if its standing room only!
Thursday, 17 January 2008
Adam update Thursday 17Jan 08
Adam is now in the careful hands of Niki at Trueloves in Chipstead Valley Road Coulsdon.
They are open from 9am till 5pm daily and from 9am till 1pm on Saturday. Niki will be happy allow access to the chapel if anyone wishes to see him. if you do visit, feel free to play the cd if its not already on
It isn’t necessary to make an appointment but if you are travelling a long way perhaps call beforehand on 0208 660 2620.
Timings for the Funeral are nearly complete so I’ll do a further update soon, many have asked about dress code, Black is not necessary but also not banned, the boy wanted a celebration of his life and would have said ‘dress to impress’
Love to all.
Wednesday, 16 January 2008
Adam update - the 'After' party
We have now confirmed the venue for the funeral but as yet the timing has to be confirmed.
The Service will be held at St Michaels and all Angels Church
The committal will then be held at Bandon Hill cemetery, around 5 minutes drive from the church.
We expect the service to be starting at some time between 09.30 and 10.00, dependant on the funeral directors. It’ll be the first time anyone’s seen the boy that early in the morning for ages!
For those who may wish to come, Anyone attending on the day should bring a single white rose
Whilst we wouldn’t stop anyone arranging flowers of course, it seems more appropriate that donations to the Teenage Cancer Trust in his name would be more helpful, cheques can be sent directly to them or to us at home and should have, I am a UK taxpayer and wish to claim gift aid on the back of any personal cheques as this allows the charity to get an additional 28% on top.
Watch this space!
Love to all
PS The irony of me now having to pay for Baileys insurance monthly wont be lost on many, in fact there has been so much interest in him that I’m thinking of starting a ‘BAILEY BLOG’
Sunday, 13 January 2008
adam update sunday 13 january
Hi all
There’s not much that’s funny about all this at the moment but I just thought you’d all love to know that it appears that in the very near future I’ll be taking over paying for Baileys regular insurance premiums!
The boy is jerkin my chain still! Somewhere he’ll be wetting himself over that one!
Anyone attending on the day should bring a single white rose
Whilst we wouldn’t stop anyone arranging flowers of course, it seems more appropriate that donations to the Teenage Cancer Trust in his name would be more helpful, cheques can be sent directly to them or to us at home and should have, I am a UK taxpayer and wish to claim gift aid on the back of any personal cheques as this allows the charity to get an additional 28% on top.
We are just hovering at the moment about the location for the service as the original venue it seems is quite small and we are not sure of numbers.
Watch this space.
Love to all
Friday, 11 January 2008
Adam update 11 January 2008
I thought I might stop doing the updates but, for now at least there are some items of note that may interest those of you who have been on this journey with us for so long.
It isn’t possible to describe how we are feeling, 7 years is not long enough to prepare anyone for this…..
Over the years our house has looked more and more like a chemist or hospital, those of you who have been here will know just how much space the various pieces of kit and paraphernalia take up.
We had always thought we would celebrate his recovery by finally getting rid of the tall multi drawer unit that we got when he was first ill and removing all the medical bits and bobs from the house.
Pauline couldn’t sleep and this morning as she was woken as we both have been so many times by the sound of Adam calling her from his bedroom………..She got up at six o’clock and I could hear her pottering around downstairs, after a bit my curiosity got the better of me and I found her bagging up all the ‘stuff’, we talked about the method of disposal in a logical and mature manner, we both found a lot of anger associated with all the bits and bobs and their intrusion into our lives for so long. And so, as it was pouring with rain outside we got some highly flammable liquid, made a pile including the multi drawer unit (very good value by the way and available at a B&Q store near you!) and lit a bonfire from a not particularly safe distance!
And as the flames grew bigger we found more ‘stuff’ that reminded us of his disease to put onto the fire and we stood in the pouring rain watching a pretty good fire burn, then some of the bottles and closed containers decided to do their thing and make a mini firework display all of their own………….
The boy would have liked that!
The date for his Funeral is Thursday 24th Jan at 10.00 am in Wallington, precise details to follow… I know, I know, its along time away but apparently over Christmas lots of people are dying to get into cemeteries!
Love to all
Wednesday, 9 January 2008
Adam Update 9 January 2008
Our Angel came home yesterday evening by way of a special present for my birthday; he left us to join some other angels just after midnight and for the first time in nearly seven years looked truly peaceful. He spent the previous afternoon quite lively, laughing and joking with Karen and Nell at the hospital and he got his wish to come home and see Bailey.
His life was short but touched many people here and all over the world. I know of no one who ever met him that didn’t feel his presence.
We know that many will want to contact us and we are happy for that but in the immediate term we should like a brief period to indulge ourselves, I’ll update with details of his funeral which I suspect may include some white tuxedos and champagne…..to comply with Adam’s wishes, does anyone know where I can get a star shaped coffin in glossy white with a playboy bunny on the side?! He always said that when he went, he wanted to take up as much room as possible!
The Latin writing on his his tattoo reads, ‘Alis Volit Propriis, Ad Astra, Per Aspera.’
Thursday, 3 January 2008
Thursday Jan 3 2008
Adam had a rough night last night and so I went into the hospital early this morning at his request, by the time I got there he was a little calmer, having thrown up a load of blood which was pretty frightening for both him and Pauline, he has had a pretty ropey day and has mainly been out of it on morphine and pain killers.
Then just for good measure, the red patches appeared again on his leg, these signify infection and are no doubt a result of his neutropaenia allowing the previous infection in his leg to restart.
So, after a tough week followed by a day from hell yesterday he now has to go through this latest infection, any one of these issues would be taxing but the multitude that he constantly faces seems to be enough to test the patience of a saint.
He has been upset today, I think the combination of the pain and his inability to move around get him down and his usually bright self is missing, no wonder really, his ability to wake up each morning with a smile on his face is phenomenal and humbles me often.
I met a new member of the club the other day and was giving her some advice on how this game goes, I found myself repeating the two simple pieces of advice that I was given when I too had not yet got my hospital air miles card validated.
2. take each day at a time
So, for now I think I need to take some of that advice myself……………
Wednesday, 2 January 2008
update 2 jan 08
Adam has been losing around 2 pints of blood a day since Christmas Day and today the docs decided that he should have his endoscopy to see if it was possible to find the bleed and indeed repair it from inside.
The procedure was due for the afternoon and so I was at home for the first night since Christmas Eve last night, had a lazy start to my day planned, ran a bath., made a cup of tea……. Then got a call from Pauline around 09.40 who said, they are doing it in half an hour!
As I was arriving at the hospital at 10.50 having exercised my running skills at every opportunity, Sarah, who I had called as Adam wanted here to be with him but was only just awake when I rang, also arrived having chosen what was obviously the more efficient route. Doh!
He had the endoscopy, should have taken 20 minutes and after and hour and fifteen I was fretting, they found a number of ulcerated sections of his gut and managed to cauterize some, clip a couple of others for good measure but they returned with him to say that it was very complicated and they were unable to close of the largest bleeding vessel so they would need to consider surgery or alternative treatment, Surgery not being an option as a result of his low platelets, we found ourselves bouncing around from floor to floor to find the ‘it’s down the corridor’ x-ray department that the nurses had sent us to in order to check the considerable pain he was in wasn’t anything sinister….
Eventually, we ended up 25 minutes later at the same CT scanner we started at, having been told he needed an urgent x-ray to see what the problem was.
CT scan over and the docs came to tell us that they recommended an angiogram procedure to place some plugs in the Artery that leads off his aorta to stop the blood flow completely to the area they suspected it was coming from. It would take just half and hour to an hour and they would use a vein in his groin to feed a pipe up to his aorta then find the appropriate artery and place one or more plugs in it.
2 and a quarter hours later we were all in the waiting room apoplexic with worry and speculating on exactly what could have gone wrong (note to self…. Try to remember not to worry till you have something to worry about!)
Eventually the boy returned looking a bit battle weary and very hungry; he was in a fair bit of pain and discomfort but seemed to be in good spirits. The docs told us the procedure went well and we will know by tomorrow how successful the procedure was.
Love to all