Wednesday 31 January 2007

Staples anyone?

Adams had belly ache and some sickness for the past day or so, it may be just a bug or perhaps the toxicity of his drugs building up, either way it means that he often throws up his drugs so doesn’t get the benefit of them.

We are going to UCH tomorrow to have the staples out of his stump, he’s very nervous about this. He thought there may be a few staples and I reckon there are 20-30!

He has been a bit down tonight and is simply fed up and wants his life back, cant say I blame him cos I know how he feels, but there is some progress and we hope to get the vac pump at last tomorrow or the day after, once received we can get it connected again and hopefully see the best improvement in his heels healing !

Will update after the hospital visit tomorrow.

Love to all


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